
AI Powered Movement Analysis

Grow your Physical Therapy practice into a Sports Medicine powerhouse without buying extra equipment, spending weeks learning, or time consuming analysis setup

Powerful running analysis made simple for any environment

Indoor Analysis

Outdoor Analysis

Remote Analysis

There's a better way to perform movement analysis in your practice

Generate more clients, increase your price point, and grow your practice without the hassle


Advanced technology

High-level markerless biomechanical technology without the high cost

Automatic reports

Save time with automated analysis reports

Easy implementation

Decrease the learning curve to nearly zero and get started instantly with automated joint angles and AI suggested interpretations

Better client experience

Individual portals for both you and your clients for improved compliance, increased understanding, and a great user experience for your clients and team

Marketing made easy

AI image and video generation allows you to easily create great marketing content 

Data graph with arrow black and white

Customized data collection

Tailor data collection to your preference or use the preset 

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